On Wed, 12 Oct 2005 22:04:14 GMT
Roedy Green <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Mon, 10 Oct 2005 00:42:18 +0200, Stefaan A Eeckels
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote or quoted :
> >"I don't understand that attitude.  Don't we want email that has
> > dancing bears, cute little videos, musical tunes, animated waving
> > hands, sixty fonts, and looks like it's been done with crayolas?
> > Good grief, man, think like a three year old!"
> that excuse could also be used to explain why you have not cracked a
> book since high school.  The same tools that create dancing bears can
> do a UML diagram.

Mine doesn't. Stick figures is as far as it'll go.

Specific document formats can be attached to an email without any
problems. When exact rendering is important, the appropriate format
(e.g. PDF) can be used. Only a fool would want his email program to
render a UML diagram (which is far more than a cute drawing done in
Visio, in case you hadn't noticed).

As complexity rises, precise statements lose meaning,
and meaningful statements lose precision. -- Lotfi Zadeh 

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