> Yeah, I noticed that, I could have been pedantic about it but chose to
> just describe how these language implementations work in the real
> world with zero exceptions that I know of.  I guess I should have
> spelled it out.

You talked about CPU architectures:

 >And this presumes an architecture which byte-addresses and only
 >> uses "aligned" addresses.

Yes, that would describe just about every cpu for the past 30 years
that's a plausible Python target.

And regarding the "zero exceptions" - I know for sure that quite a few 
programs were crashing when the transition in 68K from 24 bit addresses 
to real 32 bit was done on popular systems like the ATARI ST - as some 
smart-asses back then used the MSByte for additional parameter space.

I can't say though if that was only in assembler writen code - quite 
popular back then even for larger apps - or a compiler optimization. I 
do presume the former.


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