Hans Georg Krauthaeuser wrote:
> Mingus Tsai schrieb:
>>Hello- please help with unpickling problem:
>>I am using Python version 2.3.4 with IDLE version 1.0.3 on a Windows
>>XPhome system.
>>My problem is with using cPickle to deserialize my pickled arrays of
>>datetime.datetime instances.  The following is the code I have written:
>>    import cPickle, datetime
>>    import Numeric
>>#the file below contains a serialized dict with arrays of datetime
>>#objects.  When these three statements run, the IDLE crashes!
>>    input1 = open('tsm2_outa','r')
>>    time1 = cPickle.load(input1)
>>    input1.close()
>>#the file below contains serialized dict with arrays of built-in objects
>>#it unpickles without any problem, when I omit the above unpickling
>>    input2 = open('tsm2_outb','rb')
>>    data1 = cPickle.load(input2)
>>    input2.close()
>>My guess is that I need to somehow tell the pickle.load command that it
>>is loading datetime instances, but I have no idea how to do this.  Any
>>help would be much appreciated.
> How did you wrote the pickle-file. If you used mode 2 you have to open
> the file with mode "rb", as you did for the other pickle file.
> Hans

here's the code from my pickling:
#dict of arrays of datetime objects
export1 = {'gagetime':gagednt2ar,'gagetime_offset':gagednt2_offsetar,

#dict of arrays of built-in objects
datamat = {'az':azrowfar,'el':elrowfar,'tekrange_lagb':mtmt,

time_out = open('tsm2_outa','w')

data_out = open('tsm2_outb','wb')

------ So, you can see that the first dict is pickled in ascii (those 
arrays are pretty small), but the second dict (the one that i have no 
problem unpickling) is pickled in binary.  However, I have tried both 
ascii and binary for the frist dict, but both crash the IDLE.  I don't 
understand how pickling works with non built-in objects--is it necessary 
for me to tell it that I have datetime objects and how do i do that?

Or perhaps there's something entirely different happening?

much obliged, Ming

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