Thanks to all,  I added the object as a subclass (should this be 
required for 2.4.1 ???)

I also switched to the decorator with the @property syntax

Thank you very much for the help for adding @property to the language.

what a great language :-)


Michael Schneider wrote:
> Hello All,
> I have been working on learning how to use python properties.
> The get property access is working, but the the set
> property is not working.
> Rather then dispatching the property assignment to setNothing, the
> property object is being replaced with a string.
> I must be doing something very stupid here.
> Could someone please point out my error, I have dents in my forehead
> for this one.
> Thanks,
> Mike
> ------------------------------------------------------------------
> from unittest import TestCase
> import unittest
> class Task:
>   def __init__(self,command):
>     self._command = command
>   def setNothing(self, value):
>     raise AttributeError
>   def getCommand(self):
>     return self._command
>   command=property(getCommand, setNothing)
> class taskTest(TestCase):
>     def testTask(self):
>         t = Task("dir c:")
>         c = t.command
>         self.assertEquals("dir c:", c)
>         # should fail, but doesn't
>         t.command = "foo Bar"
>         self.assertEquals("dir c:", t.command)
> if __name__ == "__main__":
>     unittest.main()

The greatest performance improvement occurs on the transition of from 
the non-working state to the working state.

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