Kenneth McDonald schrieb:
> Is there any emerging consensus on the "best" UI for toolkit.  Tk  never
> quite made it but from what I can see, both qt and wxWin are  both doing
> fairly well in general. I'm already aware of the licensing  issues
> surrounding qt (fwiw, I think their license fee for commercial  use is
> eminently reasonable), so aside from that, I was wondering if  there was
> any feedback readers could provide on the following:

As for my experience with Python-integrated GUI toolkits: I tried
wxWidgets/Boa and had it crashing on me all over the place. I switched to
GTK/glade2 and fought with it for a couple of days until I ran away screaming.
Next, I tried Qt/Designer and the more I learned, the more I knew I'd keep
loving it. Its Python bindings are not perfect, especially QStrings will annoy
you. You will notice that it was originally designed for C++ and had to try
hard to reimplement a lot of the batteries that Python has included, so it
often uses its own concepts where Python concepts would feel a bit nicer. But
once you accept that, you will really like its clean design that helps you
with your work.

A friend of mine switched to Mac-OS X recently and I told him to use Qt for
one of his projects. He is a Debian developer and did all of his previous GUIs
with GTK. It took him only a couple of hours to fall in love with it. He was
especially mad about the fact that it looks completely like a Mac application
on Mac-OS and like a Windows application on Windows. It even felt like a
native app.

Just try it, you'll see.


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