Ron Adam wrote:

> def lamb(args):
>     for v in args: print v
> def feedlamb():
>     print locals()
>     y = 20
>     lamb( (lambda x=10: (x,y,x+y))() )
>     print locals()
> feedlamb()
> {}
> 10
> 20
> 30
> {'y': 20}
> Cool, this is the exact behavior I was thinking of, but without the 
> lambda if possible, and without all the extra parentheses.  Anyway to 
> clean this up?
> Maybe it wouldn't be as big a change as it seems?  ;-)
> Cheers,
>    Ron

Ok, this has a problem, there's no way to pass the values as keywords 
also.  The lambda's a bit too isolated. So the following doesn't work as 

lamb( (lambda x=10: (x,y,x+y,{'x':x}))() )


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