
Thanks - this cookbook entry is very cool!

I am somewhat worried about function call overhead from the infix hack 
though... on second consideration, the infix issue is not as important 
as eventually boosting the speed of the inner loop to which 
matrixmultiply() belongs. For those who are interested in things like 
fast math, I found


very eye-opening. For many of the examples cited there, it is possible 
to simply treat the source as a string and then do the necessary macro 
transformations before passing it off to a compiler...


Robert Kern wrote:
> David Pokorny wrote:
>>Just wondering if anyone has considered macros for Python. I have one 
>>good use case. In "R", the statistical programming language, you can 
>>multiply matrices with A %*% B (A*B corresponds to pointwise 
>>multiplication). In Python, I have to type
>>import Numeric
>>which makes my code almost unreadable.
> Well, dot(A, B) is better. But if you must:
> http://aspn.activestate.com/ASPN/Cookbook/Python/Recipe/384122

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