Xah Lee wrote:

>Peter Hansen wrote:
>>Xah Lee wrote:
>>>If you think i have a point, ...
>>You have neither that, nor a clue.
>Dear Peter Hansen,
>My messages speak themselfs. You and your cohorts's stamping of it does
>not change its nature. And if this is done with repetitiousness, it
>gives away your nature.
>It is not necessary to shout against me. But if you must refute (and
>that is reasonable), try to put content into your posts.
>(see Philosophies of Netiquette at

Thanks for the comic relief of this link.  The first item of comedy came 
from the following two sentences:

Then at the other extreme is the relatively rare Victorian propensity 
where each post is a gem of literature carefully crafted and researched 
for an entire century of readers to appreciate and archive. Xah, Erik 
Naggum, and [censored] posts are exemplary of this style, to name a few 
acquaintances like myself.

I really don't know which is funnier, that you stated these sentences at 
all, or that you probably believe them.  Several things disqualify you 
from gaining my classification of "scholarly" (not that you give a fart 
what I think):

- poor spelling
- poor grammar
- rambling style with lack of cohesive thought
- non-interesting, non-original ideas in your posts
- invalid or incorrect points in your discourse

The next piece of humor came from these sentences:

Go to a newsgroup archive such as dejanews.com and search for your 
favorite poster.  If you find a huge quantity of terse posts that is 
tiring, boring, has little content, and in general requires you to 
carefully follow the entire thread to understand it, then you know 
you've bumped into a conversationalist.

By your definition, you mostly fit into the "conversationalist" 
category.  The only thing that may keep you out of that category is that 
your ramblings are typically lengthy.  So, what you provide is a large 
number of lengthy, tiring, boring, content-less, non-cohesive posts.  
Funny that you bash "the conversationalists" when you have so much in 
common with them.

The third point of humor in this link was the paypal link at the top of 
the page:

If you spend more than 30 minutes on this site, please send $1 to me. Go 
to http://paypal.com/ and make a payment to [EMAIL PROTECTED] Or send to: 
P. O. Box 390595, Mountain View, CA 94042-0290, USA.

It's humorous to think of anyone spending more than 30 minutes on your 
site (apart from the obvious stunned amazement at the content, quite 
like the "can't stop watching the train wreck" phenomenon).  It's even 
more humorous to think of anyone gaining value from it.  But I wouldn't 
be surprised to hear that some people have actually sent you money.

>If you deem fit, create a alt.fan.XahLee, and spare the rest of Python
>community of your politics. I appreciate your fandom.
> Xah
>∑ http://xahlee.org/

sorry-folks-for-feeding-the-troll-ly y'rs,

- jmj


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