Mike Meyer wrote:

> "Philippe C. Martin" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Some. To continue clarifying:
> The phrase "cgi script" refers to a server-side script that is run in
> response to the user clicking something on the client. That's what you
> expect it to be, right?
Yes, the cgi script on the server side hooks up to the local (server) smart

> Do you expect the plugin to display a form? Or to ouput a form that
> the client will display?
No, I want of all the "html" stuff to be handled by the server

> You've got lots of stuff going on here. I count at least five programs
> and three network connections. How much is working, and which parts
> are you trying to do in Python?

I am starting from existing applications (cross-platform - and in python
99% ) that work even through tcp-ip (sockets).

I am just trying to apply them to a web environement.

So prior to any user interaction with the page, I need some data exchange
between the plugin and the server (authentication).

So _if_ (I'm a web newbie) the server and the clien(plugin) could exchange
data through some form field, my prototype would be much further along.

Here is a small picture:
Smart Card <-> driver <-> cgi <-> apache ...... [NET]........ browser <->
plugin <-> driver <-> Smart Card



>     <mike


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