<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 

> In comp.lang.perl.misc David Schwartz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> "Mike Meyer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message

>>> Sorry, but nobody but the government actually owns property. In most
>>> places, you can't make non-trivial changes to "your" property without
>>> permission from the government. They even charge you rent on "your"
>>> property, only they call it "property tax".

>>    I see you are a totalitarianist or perhaps a communist. If you want to
>> live in America and discuss things that are relevent to America, let me
>> know.

> Why would you say that - Mike Meyer made a point to which you have
> obviously no answer. Or do you deny that his comments on this matter
> of property are true?

    His comments are not applicable to America. They are applicable to a 
country where the government owns the economy.

    No reply is needed to his comments except to point out that they only 
apply to a communist or totalitarian state. We don't have one here, so his 
argument doesn't apply.

    I am not saying "because you are a communist, your argument is wrong". I 
am saying, "because your argument is based upon communist or totalitarian 
premises about the relationship between the government and the economy, it 
does not apply to the United States, and we were talking about the United 

    I really felt that this was obvious, but I guess it wasn't.



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