Scott David Daniels wrote:
> bruno modulix wrote:
>> Scott David Daniels wrote:
>>> bruno modulix wrote:
>>>> ... Another language that failed to make it to the mainstream but is
>>>> worth giving a try is Smalltalk - the father of OOPLs (Simula being the
>>>> GrandFather). 
>>> I would say Simula is the forefather of modern OOPLs, and Smalltalk is
>>> the toofather.
>> Err... I'm afraid I don't understand this last word (and google have not
>> been of much help here)
> Sorry, I was being too cute by half.


>  If Simula is the fore father
> (4 away) then Smalltalk is half as far (2) away.  Hence the "toofather."
> "Toofather" by analogy with the homophones "fore" and "four" we use the
> homophones "two" and "too".

My my my...

bruno desthuilliers
ruby -e "print '[EMAIL PROTECTED]'.split('@').collect{|p|
p.split('.').collect{|w| w.reverse}.join('.')}.join('@')"

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