On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 04:56:02 -0700, Viktor Marohnic wrote:

> Hello.
> I would to do something like this.
> container = []
> p1 = point()
> l1 = line()

Choosing names that look like numbers is terrible practice. Don't use l,
l1, O, ll, and so forth, unless you are trying to deliberately make your
code hard to read, hard to understand, and easy to miss bugs.

> and i would like to override = method of the module so that its puts
> all objects into container.

What do you mean by put all objects into container?

Do you mean:

container = []
container = point()
container = line()

Or do you mean:

container = []

Or even:

container = []
container.insert(0, point())
container.insert(0, line())

Or possibly even:

container = []

> how i can do something like that.

Choose a different language.

There is no assignment method in Python.



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