On Tue, 25 Oct 2005 10:09:29 -0400, Christopher Subich wrote:

>>>By analogy, one can ask, "is the cat inside the box?" and get the answer
>>>"No", but this does not imply that therefore the box must be inside the
>> Bad analogy, this doesn't define a mathematical ordering, the subset
>> relationship does.
> Yes, it does.  Consider "in" as a mathematical operator:
> For the set (box, cat-in-box)
> box in box: False
> box in cat-in-box: False
> cat-in-box in box: True
> cat-in-box in cat-in-box: False
> For the set (box, smart-cat) # cat's too smart to get in the box
> box in box: False
> box in smart-cat: False
> smart-cat in box: False
> smart-cat in smart-cat: False
> In both these cases, the "in" operator is irreflexive, asymmetric, and 
> transitive (extend to mouse-in-cat if you really care about transitive), 
> so "in" is a partial order sans equality.  A useless one, but a partial 
> order nonetheless.

What do you mean "in" is a useless ordering? It makes a huge difference
whether "nuclear bomb in New York" is true or not.

In fact, I'm quite surprised that Antoon should object to "in" as "this
doesn't define a mathematical ordering, the subset relationship does" when
"subset" is just "in" for sets: set S is a subset of set T if for all
elements x in S, x is also in T. Informally, subset S is in set T.

Can somebody remind me, what is the problem Antoon is trying to solve here?



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