James Stroud wrote:

> "better". The only reason I want this functionality is to make my software
> available to windoze users--despite their unfortunate ignorance, they are
> people too. That's what I always say.

Actually, I think it's many unix/linux users who are ignorant of just
how nice, stable and productive Windows can be as a desktop environment.

... and I really mean that.  ;-).

Ever since Win2K got rid of the constant blue screens, the reasons for
switching over to Linux have grown less and less urgent.

The 'Nix desktop environments are growing visibly more mature with each
passing year, but device support in Linux is still decidedly inferior and
it still takes far too much time to do some things you take for granted
under Windoze.

I'm experienced enough with Linux that I can customize a distribution
like Slackware to a fair extent, but for desktop work, I stay in Windows
almost exclusively.

I have this bunch of Linux zealots in a mailing list to thank for
encouraging me to realize how good Windows can be.


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