David Poundall wrote:

> However, what I really would like is something like...
> class c_y:
>     def __init__(self):
>         self.P1 = [0, 'OB1', 0 ]
>         self.P2 = [0, 'OB1', 1 ]
>         self.P3 = [0, 'OB1', 2 ]
>         self.P4 = [0, 'OB1', 3 ]
> Because that way I can also hold binary loadings and data register
> (this is a PLC application) references which give me full information
> for handling the pump bits.
> However, this means that I have to access the pump status bits like
> this...
> Y.P4[0] = 1
> Y.P3[0] = 0
> Which takes me away from the clean code
> Y.P4 = 1
> Y.P3 = 0
> That I would like to have.
> Can anyone suggets a technique for parameter storage that may be able
> to give me what I want here ?
> Thanks in advance.
> David

How about the following?

(not tested)

class Pump(object):
     def __init__(self, name, ptype, number):
        self.status = 0
         self.name = name
         self.ptype = ptype
         self.number = number

class C_Y(object):
      def __init__(self, *plist):
           index = []
           for p in plist:
               self.__dict__[p[0]] = Pump(*p)
           self.index = index
      def showall(self):
           out = []
           for item in self.index:
                out.append( "%s:  %r\n"
                            % (item, self.__dict__[item] )

Then with a list formed as ....

     pumplist = [ ('p1', 'ob1', 0),
                  ('p2', 'ob1', 1),
                  ('p3', 'ob1', 2),

You can then do...

c_y = C_Y(pumplist)

print c_y.p1.name     --> 'p1'
print c_y.p1.status   --> 0
print c_y.p1.ptype    --> 'ob1'
print c_y.p1.number   --> 0

c_y.p1.status = 1     # p1 on
c_y.p1.status = 0     # p1 off

print c_y.p2.status   --> 0
print c_y.p2.ptype    --> 'ob1'
print c_y.p2.number   --> 1


print c_y.showall()



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