> """
> I was looking for something similar (XML to DTD inference) but I didn't
> find anything related in python. Trang
> (http://www.thaiopensource.com/relaxng/trang-manual.html#introduction),
> on the other hand seems impressive after a few non-trivial tests. It
> would be neat to have it ported in python, at least the inference part.
> """
> If you're OK with RELAX NG rather than DTD as the schema output
> (probably a good idea if you're using namespaces), consider
> Examplotron, which I've used on many such production tasks.
> http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/xml/library/x-xmptron/
> It's XSLT rather than Python, but the good news is that XSLT is easy to
> invoke from Python using tools such as 4Suite.
> http://uche.ogbuji.net/tech/akara/nodes/2003-01-01/python-xslt

Neat, though non-trivial XSLT makes my head spin. Just for kicks, I
rewrote in python Michael Kay's DTDGenerator
(http://saxon.sourceforge.net/dtdgen.html), though as the original it
has several limitations on the accuracy of the inferred DTD.



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