The Eternal Squire wrote:
> All,
> I have to tell all of you this, at least for some laughs.  Honestly, I
> had the silliest dream involving the language last night.  I dreamt
> that it was a decade into the future and that Grand Central Station in
> NYC was installing a cement and steel "computer core" for directing its
> trains and station elevators... and for some reason I was supervising a
> technician on the project.  I asked the technician, what version of
> Python was being used, and he said 2.1... I said better install 2.4!
> So he loaded a chip into the 15 ton cylindrical core, then the core was
> lowered by winch into a manhole cover.  The lights in the station lit,
> and I shouted:  One Python to Rule Them All And In The Darkness Bind
> Them!   Then I took an elevator downstairs to log into the terminal.
> Who did I meet on a neighboring terminal other than the BDFL?  He was
> doing something esoteric and strange on the terminal but I was just
> having trouble logging in.  End of dream.
> Anyone ever have a wierd engineering dream sometime in thier career?
> The Eternal Squire

Just sit still while the men in white come to pick you up :)

Lasse Vågsæther Karlsen
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