Hello all,

I was migrating some code from sets.ImmutableSet to frozenset and noticed
the following:

#!/usr/bin/env python

from sets import ImmutableSet

class MSet1(ImmutableSet):
    def __init__(self, iterArg, myName="foo"):
        ImmutableSet.__init__(self, iterArg)
        self.name = myName

class MSet2(frozenset):
    def __init__(self, iterArg, myName="foo"):
        frozenset.__init__(self, iterArg)
        self.name = myName

m1 = MSet1([1,2,3], myName = "donkey")
print m1
print m1.name

m2 = MSet2([1,2,3], myName = "kong")
print m2
print m2.name
*********end code**********

MSet1([1, 2, 3])
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "./setTest.py", line 22, in ?
    m2 = MSet2([1,2,3], myName = "kong")
TypeError: frozenset() does not take keyword arguments
*********end run********

I'm missing something and couldn't find it in the docs.

Speaking of which, in the docs at the bottom of the description of the
builtin set/frozenset, there is a link to a page describing differences
between the builtin sets and the sets module sets.  This link is broken
locally and on the python.org docs.
Locally, it reads:

While it should read:


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