Jarek Zgoda wrote:
> Steve Holden napisaƂ(a):
>>>>>>Does anyone know a good python mudule that works with MS SQL server?
>>>>>Google will yield something, but I prefer adodbapi over specialized
>>>>>modules. Works good with SQLServer using SSPI auth (others rather not).
>>>>Though it does have problems with stored procedures.
>>>Didn't discover any of these.
>>Maybe things have changes since I last used adodbapi - can you actually
>>run stored procedures now?
> Things didn't change, as last update to adodbapi was long time ago... I
> had no problems with stored procedures accessed using cursor's execute()
> method (i.e. execute('exec sp_someproc, param')), but I never tried to
> get any results, just call sp and commit or rollback.
Thanks. The situation does remain unchanged, then.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC                     www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006                  www.python.org/pycon/


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