CppNewB wrote: > But the logos look like they were done in Paint and maybe a > readable default font is in order.
I can't believe you think the font there is unreadable. It's left to the browser default, which is usually set to a simple serif font, which in turn is presumably the default because the majority of all books, magazines, and newspapers in existence use it, and have found it perfectly readable up to now. With the ability of the user to customise their font size, surely this is by definition more readable than any arbitrarily chosen typeface and size which cannot possibly suit everybody? You can append "body { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 10pt; }" to the CSS and make it look 'professional' but it doesn't make it more readable. Really this just comes down to preconceptions over how a site 'should' look based on other sites, not on any tangible difference. -- Ben Sizer -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list