> But when we talk about organisation(and convincing sometimes not on
> merit sake), banner name helps. I was once in organisation where The
> MS/Intel/IBM combination is a sure thing because even if there is
> anything went wrong, it wouldn't be the reason for scrutiny comparing
> with say using a machine with AMD inside.

The good old "nobody ever got fired for [X]", hm?  You may be a shrewder
judge of human nature (or, at least, "human nature as evidenced by
CYAing behavior of humans within suitably disfunctional organizations")
than I was by my implied assertion that successes _within a certain
broad area of software development_ may be more relevant than successes
by "prestigiously named firm" in somewhat-unrelated fields.

It would still be easier to respond to your posts if you didn't
top-post, though (i.e., if you didn't put your comments BEFORE what
you're commenting on -- that puts the "conversation" in a weirdly
distorted order, unless one give up on quoting what you're commenting
on, or invests a lot of time and energy in editing...;-).


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