on 08.11.2005 17:40 Brendan said the following:
[snip config/properties file needs]
> I've checked out ConfigParser, ConfigObj, Pickle, PyYaml and
> gnossis.xml.serialize, and none meet all the above criteria (though
> they're all neat).
> So I've decide to use ...drumroll please.... plistlib (
> http://svn.python.org/projects/python/trunk/Lib/plat-mac/plistlib.py ).

like myriads of others, i went through the same dance as you did 
(several times, several programming languages), and sadly, i did not 
come across plistlib.py in the python case.

as a first glance inspires liking and the lib does not seem to require 
anything mac-specific, i would like to ask why it is not in the standard 
python distribution?

> So away I go.  If anyone can suggest reasons I should avoid this
> approach, please let me know before I get too invested.  Otherwise,
> this might be a reasonable avenue for standardizing Python.

I second that.



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