Yves Glodt wrote:
> Hello list,
> I need to iterate over a class and get all her variable names and 
> values, e.g. considering this example:
> class testclass:
>       var1 = 'ab'
>       var2 = 'cd'
>       var3 = 'ef'
> test = testclass()
> Then I wanna do sonmething like this:
> for name,value in test:
>       print name
>       print value
> fails with of course with:
> "TypeError: iteration over non-sequence"
> How can I do that?

sorry for selfreplying, but I found a solution:

for key in dir(test):
        if '__' not in key:
                value = getattr(test,key)
                print key, value

Does anything speak about this?
Is there a better-performing way to do this?

> regards,
> Yves

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