On Wed, 09 Nov 2005 18:04:02 +0000, Steve Holden wrote:

>>>how can such a dynamic language like python not be able to do this.
>> Do you try to ignore the syntax and grammar of the programming language
>> you are coding in too, or only English?
> That's rather unkind. I'd judge we are plainly dealing with someone who 
> is working hard to express questions in a foreign language. Funny, 
> perhaps, but definitely unkind. Take two demerits and smack yourself on 
> the wrist.

Your judgement is very different from mine. The poster's name is Dave, and
to my eyes his writing is very good English, albeit with lots of typos,
except for refusal to use capital letters where required ("Oh, I'll just
leave out braces in C because I feel like it") and deliberately incorrect
use of punctuation ("I don't feel like using '.' for attribute references,
I'll use '?' instead").

Programmers are supposed to be precise in their use of language --
failure to write what you intend is a bug in natural language just as
much as it is in C, VB, Lisp or Python. It just aggravates me to see
supposedly precise and accurate programmers *deliberately* breaking syntax
and grammar of natural language for no good reason.

(It is, of course, possible to break the rules of natural language for
good reason. Good writers do it all the time.)

>>>>there are several applications that can do this.
>>>>in fact, the free version of the visual studio 2005, which is free, have 
>>>>this ability.
>> Just out of curiosity, how much is the free version of Visual Studio 2005?
> I'm not positive, but i think they're currently giving it away.

Hmmm... this free version they give away... how much are they giving it
away for?

*wink* (we could keep this up all day...)



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