You're making a new countDict for each line read from the file... is
that what you meant to do?  Or are you trying to count word occurrences
across the whole file?


In general, any time string manipulation is going slowly, ask yourself,
"Can I use the re module for this?"

# disclaimer: untested code.  probably contains typos

import re
word_finder = re.compile('[a-z0-9_]+', re.I)

def count_words (string, word_finder = word_finder):  # avoid global
  countDict = {}
  for match in word_finder.finditer(string):
    word =
    countDict[word] = countDict.get(word,0) + 1
  return countDict

f = open(filename)
for i, line in enumerate(f.xreadlines()):
  countDict = count_words(line)
  print "Line %s" % i
  for word in sorted(countDict.keys()):
    print "  %s %s" % (word, countDict[word])



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