> Thomas Edison (I think it was him) once said it took 999 failures to
> make 1 success.  That makes SourceForge 10 times more successful.
>> The world is filled with
>> millions of wanna-be poets, writers and creators whose sum total
>> contribution to the artistic wealth of the world is negative.
>> I'm not just using hyperbole. By poisoning the well with their  
>> garbage,
>> they just make it that little bit harder for genuinely talented  
>> artists to
>> be heard.
> Whose opinion?  Yours, or the market's?

Just my $0.02:

Individuals, and perhaps groups of individuals are the creators of  

Walt Disney was a creator. Disney Inc. is not the creator, but has  
managed to twist copyright laws to maintain control of Walt's mouse.
Tom Edison moved to California so _he_ could skirt copyright laws of  
the works _he_ was stealing. (See episode 7 of "From the Earth to the  
Moon" miniseries, re Georges Méliès' 1902 silent film «Le Voyage dans  
la lune»)
Edwin Howard Armstrong invented FM radio (and even got the patent),  
but RCA won the war. The giant corporation was able to twist  
regulations to drive Edwin to a despairing death.

Today, Anne A. Mator might create a new character for Disney Inc.,  
but the copyright belongs to Disney Inc., not Anne.
Professor Suchn Such of Abig University might write a book, but "The  
Regents of Abig University" get the copyright.
Annin Ventor might build a better widget for Transnational Megacorp,  
but Annin will probably never see a dime of profit or recognition.

Why? IMHO, most inventors, writers and artists have too much to do  
and too little spare money to pay lobbyists to have laws written for  
them. Giant corporations do have the money to get laws written for  
them. Still, I've never seen a creative corporation or a creative  
law. The best corporations and governments can do is foster an  
environment where creativity flourishes and is justly rewarded.

Thus, I must express my gratitude to all of those programmers who  
write open-source code (even if it doesn't go anywhere), and even  
shareware, and other works which are made available and open at no or  
reasonable cost. The Python community most of all.

A free and open marketplace of ideas and products is quite capable of  
separating the triticale from the chaff.

It makes all of us more productive!



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