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> I tried to put the line
> from btools import *
> in several places in PyShell.py
> but to now avail. It does not work, IDLE does not execute it???
> Bob

I have to give up here :-( .

The best solution I am able to come up with is:

    def runsource(self, source):

        if(source == ''):
           source = 'from btools import *'

        "Extend base class method: Stuff the source in the line cache first"
        filename = self.stuffsource(source)

which performs 'from btools import *' each time you hit return on the
command line without typing anything in the interpreter.

Maybe someone knowledgable in IDLE can share here a better way how to
initialize IDLE with any code valid in the interpreter itself.
Inbetween the above can maybe serve as workaround.



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