On 2005-11-16, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So, I've written my first GUI app in python.  I've turned it into a
> binary .exe and .app that runs on Windows and Mac respectively, but on
> my Linux box, where I wrote the thing, I still have to drop to the
> command line and ./myscript.py.  What can I do to make it a "click and
> run" sort of application in KDE or Gnome on Linux?

Have you heard of a "shebang line"?

That is when the first line of a file starts with #!

You probably want ...

#!/usr/bin/env python

That will run the commandline from that first line.
Remember, it must be the very first thing (no spaces).

You may also need to be in a particular directory in
order to access program resources. I usually end up
making a little .sh script like ...


cd /my/python/prog/dir && python myprog.py

Most of the recent window managers are using the
so called .desktop files. You could copy one of
those from another program (try creating a "link
to application" or an "application launcher" on
your desktop).

I think most wms will also just run your shell
script if the permissions are set correctly.


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