On Mon, 21 Nov 2005, Tom Anderson wrote:

> On Sun, 20 Nov 2005, Warren Francis wrote:
>> Basically, I'd like to specify a curved path of an object through space. 3D 
>> space would be wonderful, but I could jimmy-rig something if I could just 
>> get 2D...  Are bezier curves really what I want after all?
> No. You want a natural cubic spline:

In a fit of code fury (a short fit - this is python, so it didn't take 
long), i ported my old java code to python, and tidied it up a bit in the 


That gives you a natural cubic spline, plus my blended quadratic spline, 
and a framework for implementing other kinds of splines.


Gin makes a man mean; let's booze up and riot!

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