> Fredrik Lundh's solution works if the hex string starts with "0x"

that's what "interpret [it] as a Python literal" meant.

> (which it will when the string is created with the hex function).
> >>> int(hex(m),0)
> 66
> But it won't work without the "0x".
> >>> int('0x1A',0)
> 26
> >>> int('0x1A',16)
> 26
> >>> int('1A',16)
> 26
> >>> int('1A',0)
> Traceback (most recent call last):
>   File "<pyshell#18>", line 1, in -toplevel-
>     int('1A',0)
> ValueError: invalid literal for int(): 1A

as the error message says, 1A isn't a valid literal.



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