David Isaac wrote:

> "Peter Otten" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
>> I'd rather have a second look whether the test is really needed.
> That's too obscure of a hint.
> Can you be a bit more explicit?
> Here's an example (below).
> You're saying I think that most of it is unnecessary.

>From the Zen of Python:
"Special cases aren't special enough to break the rules." 

I think that the test for an empty iterator makes ireduce() unintuitive. Try
asking someone who has not followed the discussion
what list(ireduce(add, [], 42)) might produce, given that

list(ireduce(add, [1], 42)) --> [43]
list(ireduce(add, [1, 2], 42)) --> [43, 45]
list(ireduce(add, [])) --> []
list(ireduce(add, [1])) --> [1]
list(ireduce(add, [1, 2])) --> [1, 3]

I suspect that [42] will be a minority vote.


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