Tim Golden wrote:
> [rbt]
>> Here's a quick and dirty version of winver.exe written in Python:
> [.. snip ..]
>> It uses wmi to get OS information from Windows... it works well, but 
>> it's slow... too slow. Is there any way to speed up wmi?
>> In the past, I used the platform and sys modules to do some of what 
>> winver.exe does and they were rather fast. However, since switching to
>> wmi (for a more accurate representation) thinngs have gotten slow... 
>> real slow.
>> I suppose this could be a wmi only issue not related at all to Python.
> In short, I recommend replacing the wmi module by the underlying
> calls which it hides, and replacing Tkinter by a win32gui MessageBox.
> The wmi module does some magicish things which are useful for
> interactive
> browsing, but will only slow you down if you know exactly what you need.
> As you don't need anything more than a native message box, don't
> bother with GUI loops etc. Windows will do that for you in a Modal
> Dialog (here message box).
> This was going to be a longer post comparing versions, but in short
> running this code:
> <python>
> import win32gui
> import win32com.client
> for os in win32com.client.GetObject ("winmgmts:").InstancesOf
> ("Win32_OperatingSystem"):
>   win32gui.MessageBox (
>     0,
>     os.Properties_ ("Caption").Value + "\n" + \
>       os.Properties_ ("TotalVisibleMemorySize").Value + "\n" + \
>       os.Properties_ ("Version").Value + "\n" + \
>       os.Properties_ ("CSDVersion").Value,
>     "Platform Info", 
>     0
>   )
> </python>

Wow... thanks. I didn't expect someone to completely rewrite it like 
that. I'll use your example and name it PyWinver and attribute it to 
you. Hope you don't mind. Great learning experience.


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