Hi, I have a user who complained about how "struct" module computes C struct data size on Itanium2 based 64-bit machine.
His first reproducer was -------------------------------------- #!/usr/local/bin/python import struct fmthead = '12id5i5d7id5i3di12i3di' fmtsize = struct.calcsize(fmthead) print fmthead,fmtsize -------------------------------------- And it prints 12id5i5d7id5i3di12i3di 292 And he further provided >>struct.calcsize('idi') 16 >>struct.calcsize('idid') 24 >>struct.calcsize('did') 20 In response to those, I created corresponding C struct and computed the data size using "sizeof" operation (gcc was used for compilation), but they don't seem to match. Is this a known problem? Best, -Dong -- http://mail.python.org/mailman/listinfo/python-list