I am trying to write a script (python2.3) which will be used 
with linux konqueror to retrive 2 webpages alternatively every 2 minutes.

My question is how can I send alternative args (the url)
to the same invocation of konqueror which I started with

def pipedreams(program, *args):
        pid = os.fork()
        if not pid:
          os.execvp(program, (program,) +  args)
          return os.wait()[0]  


Obviously every time I call pipedreams I would open a new instance
which is exactly what I do not want.

My pseudocode :

  if timecounter == 60 :
     send url1 to konqueror to fetch & display
  elif timecounter == 120:
     send url2 to konqueror to fetch % display
     timecounter = 0 

Thanks for any hints


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