
>> In other words I am looking for a short version of the following:
>> pair=[mylist[0],f(mylist[0])]
>> for x in mylist[1:]:
>>      if f(x) > pair[1]:
>>            pair=[x,f(x)]
> this is already very short, what else you want? May be this :
> max(((f(x), x) for x in mylist))
> That is first generate the (f(x),x) pairs then find the max one(first
> compare f(x) then x)

It might be better to do:

   max((f(x),i,x) for i,x in enumerate(mylist))[2]

as that will handle the case where x is not comparable but f(x) is.

>>> mylist = (3j, 5j+2, 1j)
>>> max((abs(x),i,x) for i,x in enumerate(mylist))[2]

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