"Fredrik Lundh" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in 

> Rick Wotnaz wrote:
>> I'm sure Antoon wouldn't object if lists were to be allowed as
>> dictionary keys, which would eliminate the multiple castings for
>> that situation. I wouldn't, either.
> so what algorithm do you suggest for the new dictionary im-
> plementation?

Beats the heck outta me. I seem to remember that Antoon supplied 
one awhile ago (for allowing lists to serve as dictionary keys, 
that is). That's why I mentioned him in the first place. I didn't 
pay much attention to it at the time, and I imagine it would raise 
some issues, like everything does. 

I'm fairly indifferent to the idea in any case; I'm just saying I 
wouldn't object if lists could function as dictionary keys. It 
would save that casting step I was talking about.


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