Carl Banks schreef:

> hermy wrote:
> > Hi,
> > I'm trying to figure out how to pass constructor arguments to my
> > superclasses in a multiple inheritance situation.
> >
> > As I understand it, using super() is the preferred way to call
> > the next method in method-resolution-order. When I have parameterless
> > __init__ methods, this works as expected.
> > However, how do you solve the following simple multiple inheritance
> > situation in python ?
> >
> > class A(object):
> >      def __init__(self,x):
> >          super(A,self).__init__(x)
> >          print "A init (x=%s)" % x
> >
> > class B(object):
> >      def __init__(self,y):
> >          super(B,self).__init__(y)
> >          print "B init (y=%s)" % y
> >
> > class C(A,B):
> >      def __init__(self,x,y):
> >          super(C,self).__init__(x,y)  <-------- how to do this ???
> >          print "C init (x=%s,y=%s)" % (x,y)
> >
> > What I want is that when I create a class C object
> >     x = C(10,20)
> > that the x argument of C's __init__ is used to initialize the
> > A superclass, and the y argument is used to initialize the B
> > superclass.
> > In C++, I would do this using initilaization lists, like:
> >     C::C(int x, int y) : A(x), B(y) { ... }
> Well, technically, you can't do this in C++ at all.
> A little explanation.  In multiple inheritance situations, Python has a
> significant difference from regular C++ inheritance: in C++, if you
> multiply-inherit from two different classes that both inherit from the
> same base class, the resulting structure has two copies of the data
> associated with the base class.  In Python, only there is only one
> copy.  If you want only one copy of the base class's data in C++, you
> must use virtual inheritance.
> But here's the thing: in C++, you can't initialize a virtual base class
> in the constructor.  A virtual base class is always initialized with
> the default constructor.  The reason for this is obvious: otherwise,
> you could end up initializing the virtual base twice with different
> arguments.
> This also explains why, in Python, super is preferred for multiple
> inheritance: it guarantees that each base class's __init__ is called
> only once.  This comes at the price of less flexibility with the
> function arguments, but in Python, at least you can use function
> arguments.
> So now, let's talk about solutions.
> Now that we know why super is preferred, we can make a somewhat
> intelligent decision whether to go against the advice.  If you know
> your inheritance hierarchy is not going to have any two classes
> inheriting from the same base class (except for object), then you could
> just call each class's __init__ directly, same as you would have done
> with old-style classes.  There is no danger of initializing any base
> class twice and no reason for super to be preferred here.
>   A.__init__(self,x)
>   B.__init__(self.y)
> But if you can't or don't want to do this, you'll have to make some
> concessions with the argument lists.  One thing to do would have A and
> B both accept x and y, using only the one it needs.  A more general
> approach might be to use keyword arguments.  For example (you can
> improve upon this):
>   class A(object):
>       def __init__(self,**kwargs):
>           use(kwargs['x'])
>   class B(object):
>       def __init__(self,**kwargs):
>           use(kwargs['y'])
>   class C(A,B):
>       def __init__(self,**kwargs):
>           super(C,self).__init__(**kwargs)
>   C(x=1,y=2)
> > I'm probably overlooking some basic stuff here,
> Unfortunately, it doesn't appear that you are.  You'll have to choose
> between calling base class __init__s old-style, or fiddling with their
> argument lists.
> Carl Banks

Thanx, I think I got it (please correct me if I'm wrong):
o super(C,self) determines the next class in the inheritance hierarchy
according to
  method resolution order, and simply calls the specified method on it
(in this case
 __init__ with the specified argument list.
o since I cannot now beforehand where my class will appear in the
  hierarchy when __init__ is called, I need to pass on all the
arguments and let
  my method decide which ones to use.

On the other hand, when I use old-style, s.a. B.__init__(args), I
specify statically
in which class the method lookup should occur.

Unfortunately, new and old style don't mix well (as I found out by
experimenting a little),
so for new code I should probably stick to new style, and use super.

Which leads me to my original problem. Your suggestion with **kwargs
works fine,
but only if it's used consistently, and I'll probably need to do some
to encode class names in parameter names in order to avoid name

Unfortunately, this solution is (as far as I know) not universally
accepted, so if I want
to multiply inherit from other people's classes (who didn't follow this
solution), it won't
work. Short: I can make it work if I write all the classes myself, I
can't make it work if
I try to re-use other people's code.
Which is a pity, since this means that I can't even use multiple
inheritance for mixin
classes (where I know that no diamond will appear in the hierarchy, and
I have a simple
tree - except for the shared object superclass).

So, for the moment my conclusion is that although Python has some
syntax for
multiple inheritance, it doesn't support it very well, and I should
probably stick to
single inheritance.
Also, if there would be some language support for the argument passing
(especially for __init__ methods), multiple inheritance would work just
fine. Hopefully
some future version of Python will solve this.



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