On Dec 02, Dave Hansen wrote:
> Python recognizes the TAB character as valid indentation.  TAB
> characters are evil.  They should be banned from Python source code.


> The interpreter should stop translation of code and throw an
> exception when one is encountered.

You could file a "Parser/Compiler" Feature Request for this (Hmm,
sf.net appears to have just renamed "Request For Enhancment" to
"Feature Request").  Seems the present enformencement of
disallowing tab/space mixing is with -t and -tt.  From PEP-8

    Tabs or Spaces?

        Never mix tabs and spaces.  The most popular way of indenting
        Python is with spaces only.  ... Code indented with a mixture
        of tabs and spaces should be converted to using spaces
        exclusively. ... When invoking the python command line
        interpreter with the -t option, it issues warnings about code
        that illegally mixes tabs and spaces.  When using -tt these
        warnings become errors. These options are highly recommended!

        For new projects, spaces-only are strongly recommended over
        tabs. Most editors have features that make this easy to do.

If your "FR" is approved, -t and -tt could apply to any use of tabs.
+1 from me.

_ _     ___
|V|icah |- lliott             <><             [EMAIL PROTECTED]
" "     """

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