> acc = []    # accumulator ;)
> for line in fileinput.input():
>     if condition(line):
>         if acc:    #1
>             doSomething(acc)    #1
>         acc = []
>     else:
>         acc.append(line)
> if acc:    #2
>     doSomething(acc)    #2

Looks like you'd be better off making an Accumulator that knows what
to do.

    >>> class Accumulator(list):
    ...     def flush(self):
    ...         if len(self):
    ...             print "Flushing items: %s" % self
    ...             del self[:]
    >>> lines = [
    ...     "spam", "eggs", "FLUSH",
    ...     "beans", "rat", "FLUSH",
    ...     "strawberry",
    ... ]
    >>> acc = Accumulator()
    >>> for line in lines:
    ...     if line == 'FLUSH':
    ...         acc.flush()
    ...     else:
    ...         acc.append(line)
    Flushing items: ['spam', 'eggs']
    Flushing items: ['beans', 'rat']
    >>> acc.flush()
    Flushing items: ['strawberry']

 \     "[W]e are still the first generation of users, and for all that |
  `\     we may have invented the net, we still don't really get it."  |
_o__)                                                 -- Douglas Adams |
Ben Finney

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