Kenneth McDonald wrote:
> I'm wondering if anyone has experience/tips to offer on installing
> Eric on OS X and XP. Installation on both seems to require a number
> of steps, some of them seeming potentially fragile, and I'm wondering
> if I'm looking at a job of perhaps hours (days?), or if everyone
> manages in just a few minutes.
> Thanks,
> Ken
Basic reference:
Install of course Python-2.4.1:
You need to install Qt, Sip, QScintilla and PyQt.
For linux things are easy. Install KDE (along with gnome if you want)
and everything will be there ready for eric3 installation.

On Windows, you need to somehow get Qt. Besides a commercial license or
an educational license (check with university) there exist 2
possibilitees for Qt free: (1) Qt4 free but I'm not sure about the
status of the announced PyQt; and (2) Qt3 GPL. PyQt has everything you
need for these possibilities, except for the GPL.
For the free GPL download: This will
give you everything at once:
Qt 3.3.4 (derived from
Sip 4.1.1
QScintilla 1.62
PyQt 3.13

After this get
Unpack into a directory under your python2.4 directory.
Then issue 'python' and you should be ready to go (eric will
set itself up under site-packages)


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