>>Let me repeat this for the umpteenth time: You do not have to learn LaTeX to
contribute to docs. <<

Noted. And thanks again to all who responded. The tone of this whole
thing is really antagonistic in parts, which is unfortunate. I'll offer
my services through the proper channels, because I appreciate the
generosity of those who share their programming knowledge. In the
meantime, I think perhaps Bengt Richter's post is probably the most

Meanwhile, if you have to keep repeating things for the umpteenth time
then it MIGHT be because the way it is laid out or organized is making
it difficult for the person seeking to VOLUNTEER to help. And we come
full circle to documentation.

Why do people continue getting the impression that they need to learn
LaTex to submit documentation?  A writer would look to his text. A
programmer would probably just accuse his audience of being obtuse.



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