>There's more to it than that... isn't there? I've used _winreg and the 
>win32 extensions in the past when working with the registry. I thought 
>perhaps someone had already scripted something to extract this info.
Ok, if you need to get all changes in the registry, you can use regdiff.


Take a snapshot before and after installing Python. However, this is not 
a wise approach.
For example:

   1. One can have a system drive 'C:\' others 'G:\'
   2. One can have Windows installed in \Windows others in \WinNT and
      others in \MyWinNT
   3. For many registry values, you cannot really tell if you need to
      correct a value or not.

As a result, I believe you will only be able to use the 'regdiff' only 
on the same type of computer, with the same system drive, same system 
directory, same windows version etc. For other computers, there is no 
guarantee for that it will work.



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