On Mon, 05 Dec 2005 20:56:50 GMT, 
        Bengt Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> A little more effort could present the referrer page with clickable
> paragraphs and other elements, to zoom in to what the commenter
> wants to comment on. And an automatic diff could be prepared for
> editors, and the submitted info could go in a structured file for
> automated secure web access by editors to ease review and presumably
> sometimes pretty automatic docs update. Adherence to submission
> guidelines could be enforced somewhat by form checks etc.

"A *little* more effort"?  This is obviously some strange new
definition of "little".  I'd love to see such a system, but it would
be a significant effort to build such a system, and the Python
developers do not have the spare manpower to do it.  It would be a
great volunteer project for someone to undertake, but I don't think
Fred Drake or anyone else has the spare CPU cycles to work on it.


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