On 2005-12-07, Bengt Richter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>In my experience, time.time() on Linux has a resolution of
>>about 1us.  The delta I get when I do
>>  print time.time()-time.time()
>>is usually about 2-3us, but some of that is probably due to the
>>overhead involved.
> Try
> >>> import time
> >>> t=time.time; c=time.clock
> >>> min(filter(None,(-float.__sub__(c(),c()) for x in xrange(10000))    ))*1e3
>  0.0058666657878347905
> >>> min(filter(None,(-float.__sub__(t(),t()) for x in xrange(10000))    ))*1e3
>  9.9999904632568359

>>> import time
>>> t=time.time; c=time.clock
>>> min(filter(None,(-float.__sub__(c(),c()) for x in xrange(10000))    ))*1e3
>>> min(filter(None,(-float.__sub__(t(),t()) for x in xrange(10000))    ))*1e3

Yup.  That has less overhead than my original example because
you've avoided the extra name lookup:

>>> for f in range(10): 
...  print t()-t()

The min delta seen is 0.95us.  I'm guessing thats
function/system call overhead and not timer resolution.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I HAVE a towel.

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