I wrote:

> this prints
> 0xF032519BL 0xF032519BL
> 0x90E3070AL 0x90E3070AL
> no time to sort out the int/long mess for binascii.crc32, but it pro-
> bably needs the same tweaking as PIL (which handles the CRC as
> two 16-bit numbers, to avoid sign hell).

I realized that I used 2.3 for testing.  under 2.4, the following snippet
runs without warnings:

import binascii

def test2(text, crc=0):
    return hex((binascii.crc32(text, crc^-1)^-1)&0xffffffff)

in other words,

    crc = binascii.crc32(text, crc^-1)^-1)&0xffffffff

should give the same result as larry's original CalculateCrc function.



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