Hi Yves,

You could try using EDDIE Tool's PORT directive to periodically make TCP 
connections to your clients and check the result matches what is 
expected.  The alert engine will make it easy for you to define actions 
to perform for failure conditions.


You could also do actual (icmp) pings and/or HTTP requests from it also, 
if that helps.


Yves Glodt wrote:
> I need to write a heartbeat solution to monitor some external clients, 
> and what is different as in the examples that I have seen so far is that 
> I want my central server to poll the clients, and not the clients 
> "pinging" the central server.
> In detail I need a daemon on my central server which e.g. which in a 
> loop pings (not really ping but you know what I mean) each 20 seconds 
> one of the clients.



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