On Mon, 12 Dec 2005, Xavier Morel wrote:

> Luis M. Gonzalez wrote:
>> You are not the first lisper who fell inlove with Python...
>> Check this out:
>> http://www.paulgraham.com/articles.html
> Paul Graham is not in love with Python though, he's still very much in love 
> with Lisp.
> He merely admits being unfaithful to Lisp from time to time (and clearly 
> states that Python is one of the non-Lisp languages he likes best).

Oh come on - he loves LISP but he plays away with python every chance he 
gets? What he has with LISP is a hollow sham - he's only keeping up the 
pretense for the children.



So the moon is approximately 24 toasters from Scunthorpe.

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