Tom Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Python does call by reference, which means that it passes pointers
>> to objects by value.
> That's not what call by reference is - call by reference is passing
> pointers to *variables* by value.

In which case, Python can't do call-by-reference at all, because it
doesn't have variable.

Of course, I think call-by-reference is passing references to
*objects* by value. 

> As a bonus, here's a similarly literal python translation of your C
> program:
>>>> i = 1
>>>> ref = "i"
>>>> i = 2
>>>> assert ref == "i"

I claim that's not correct, because ref can be used to change i in any
context in C. In your version, ref can only be used to change i if you
have access to the namespace that i lives in. In my version, ref can't
be used to change i at all.

Mike Meyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>        
Independent WWW/Perforce/FreeBSD/Unix consultant, email for more information.

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