> Steve Holden wrote:
>>Nope, but I can make inferences, whose correctness you can choose to lie
>>or tell the truth about. I was merely trying to make the point that your
>>response failed to further anybody's understanding of anything. I'm not
>>really bothered *why* you do what you do.
> That is nice try. I said I am not, you can fit it as "I am lying". As
> for failed or not failed, I don't know what anybody want to get out of
> it. I just curious why there is no such function in the socket model,
> when I saw a "OS dependent" implementation of getting MAC. Nothing
> more. And your answer that there is not sufficient need for putting it
> in the standard libary(for the maintainance work needed), answered my
> puzzle.
>>I asked "Why should you want to associate a MAC address with a socket?"
>>and you replied "Say for example I want to find out the MAC if a
>>particular interface in python". Fine. But if you don't want to engage
>>in a dialogue, why bother posting at all?
> Huh ? You ask why, I come up with an example. I said it all started
> with curiosity, not out of need. I don't see why it is not a dialogue.
> You think that it is not because it doesn't meet your expectation
> answer(thus your "you are supposed" response), that I can do nothing as
> that is your right or thought.
I'm probably just not reading your responses carefully enough.

Steve Holden       +44 150 684 7255  +1 800 494 3119
Holden Web LLC                     www.holdenweb.com
PyCon TX 2006                  www.python.org/pycon/


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