On 2005-12-16, Bock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> I was just told about Python.  My searching and reading over the net
> I was able to learn that Python can handle "foreign" characters via
> Unicodes.  
> Can or does Python write unicode to the screen?


> For example, in c++ cout >> "Hello World." would send this
> string to the screen/monitor.  
> I want to find a programming language that can write German
> üßäö as screen output?

All of the languages I've ever used could write unicode to a
console. Whether your console understands Unicode and displays
it properly is another question.

> Most programming languages/operating systems in North America
> limit one to the 127 characters of ascii.

If that's true, then you're using crap for an OS.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Either CONFESS now or
                                  at               we go to "PEOPLE'S COURT"!!

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